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Starch and fibre intake and glucose postprandial response of dogs Ciência Rural
Monti,Mariana; Palumbo,Guilherme Roberto; Pinto,Mariana Vieira de Paula; Putarov,Thaila Cristina; Loureiro,Bruna Agy; Gomes,Márcia de Oliveira Sampaio; Pereira,Gener Tadeu; Carciofi,Aulus Cavalieri.
ABSTRACT: Fibre has been studied to reduce the postprandial glucose response of dogs, but the results are inconsistent. Starch intake, however, was not properly considered in the published studies. The effects of starch and fibre intake on the postprandial glucose response were studied in non-obese adult dogs. Cellulose (CEL), carboxymethylcellulose (CMC), pea fibre (PE) and sugarcane fibre (SCF) were combined to form six diets with starch contents ranging from 33% to 42%: SCF+CEL and PE+CEL diets, both with high insoluble fibre (IF=22%) and low soluble fibre (SF=2.5%) content; SCF+CMC and PE+CMC diets with high SF (SF=4.5%; IF=19%) content; and CMC and CEL diets with low dietary fibre (14%) content. The diets were fed in two amounts, providing an intake...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Dietary fibre; Glycaemia; Metabolic response; Metabolisable energy.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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การประเมินอินทรียวัตถุที่ย่อยได้ และพลังงานที่ใช้ประโยชน์ได้ของอาหารผสมสำเร็จที่ใช้ทางใบปาล์มน้ำมันหมักเป็นแหล่งอาหารหยาบ โดยใช้เทคนิคผลผลิตแก๊ส Thai Agricultural
Soonthon Roddoungd; Chaiyawan Wattanachant; Wanwisa Ngampongsai.
This study aimed to evaluate digestible organic matter and metabolisable energy of the total mixed ration (TMR) containing oil palm frond silage (OPFS) as a source of roughage using in vitro gas production technique. The TMR was formulated according to the ratio between OPFS (roughage) and concentrate as follows: T1 (80:20), T2 (70:30), T3 (60:40) and T4 (50:50). This study was arranged according to a completely randomized design. The rumen mixed microbes inoculums were taken from six Anglo-Nubian 50% crossbred male goats, 4-5 years old with average body weight of 43.07±3.09 kg. As the results, T3 and T4 were significantly higher in soluble gas fraction (a), fermentation of insoluble fraction (b) and potential of extent of gas production (d) values (-7.67,...
Tipo: Collection Palavras-chave: Gas production technique; Digestible organic matter; Metabolisable energy; Total mixed ration; แพะ; พันธุ์ลูกผสม; อินทรียวัตถุที่ย่อยได้; อาหารผสมสำเร็จ; เทคนิคผลผลิตแก๊ส; ใบปาล์มน้ำมันหมัก; อาหารข้น; อัตราการผลิตแก๊ส; พลังงานที่ใช้ประโยชน์ได้.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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